UV-1900i Plus - Applications


UV-Vis Spectrophotometer


  • This is an example of the analysis of food dyes. By using ultra-fast scan mode, the time needed for routine spectral checks can be shortened. The 350 nm to 900 nm region can be measured at 1 nm intervals in approx. 4 seconds.
  •  Absorption Spectra of Food Dyes
    Absorption Spectra of Food Dyes

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences

  • This is an example of the analysis of λDNA. Trace quantities (on the order of a few µL) can be measured by combining the instrument with Nano Stick and TrayCell®. Using TrayCell, a calibration curve for 4 µL of λDNA was obtained in the range between 25 ng/μL and 500 ng/μL.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
  • Spectrum of λDNA

    Spectrum of λDNA

  • Calibration Curve of λDNA

    Calibration Curve of λDNA



Materials can be confirmed quantitatively by using LabSolutions UV-Vis and color measurement software.
LabSolutions UV-Vis color software shows the chromaticity diagram of the XY color system or Hazen color.

  • Chromaticity Diagram of XY Color System

    Chromaticity Diagram of XY Color System

  • Calibration Curve of Hazen Color

    Calibration Curve of Hazen Color