The First Issue Featuring on Food Safety and Environmental analyses

Shimadzu Journal
Vol.1, Issue 1-October 2013 (2,550 KB)
Food Safety and Environmental Analyses
Insight from a customer [Insight from a customer]
Professor Mondello of University of Messina in Italy (Page 4)
We interviewed Professor Luigi Mondello of University of Messina in Italy, who has become the leading light in the field of separation techniques of multidimensional chromatography. Shimadzu has been collaborating with Prof.
Mondello and his team since 1996, funding and providing instruments to further advance the techniques.
Food safety
The present work is focused on the development/optimization of a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography method, with dual detection [FID and MS], for the simultaneous identification and quantification of mineral-oil contaminants in a variety of food products. The two main classes of contaminants, namely saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, were previously fractionated on a manually-packed silver silica solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge.
Food safety [Food safety]
Multi-Residue Analysis of 210 Pesticides in Food Samples by Triple Quadrupole UHPLC-MS/MS (Page 10-17)
Pesticides and their metabolites are of great concern to society as they are harmful to human health, pollute natural resources and disturb the equilibrium of the ecosystem. In this study a method was successfully developed for the quantitation of 210 commonly analysed pesticides in food samples using the Nexera UHPLC and LCMS-8040. Initial validation was performed to demonstrate instrument capabilities.
Shimadzu Selection
Shimadzu Selection (Page 18-19)
These are the articles selected by Shimadzu for this issue. The articles are from application notes relating to Food safety and Environment with a variety of instruments we produce. The cutting edge technologies are also included.Press the link on the title of your interest, and get the article.
Pesticides are used around the world to achieve stable crop production. many consumers hold a negative image of pesticides due to repeated incidents and accidents related to them. Here we overview pesticide analysis, compare each method, and then introduce our product lineup and applications at the end.
Latest News [Latest News]
Continued Support for Environmental Projects with the United Nations University: To Cultivate Engineers and Environmental Protection in Asia (Page 21-22)
The "Environmental Monitoring and Analysis in the East Asian Region: Technology Transfer and Environmental Governance" project has been implemented by the United Nations University since 1996. Shimadzu has provided comprehensive support for this project from its commencement in 1996, utilizing the expertise that we have cultivated over our long history.
Latest News
Agilent Technologies Inc. and Shimadzu Corp. today announced they will exchange RapidControl.NET (RC.Net) instrument drivers. Shimadzu’s adoption and support of Agilent’s RC.Net driver standard strengthens RC.Net as an emerging open industry standard for instrument control across multiple data systems.
Product Information [Product Information]
MALDI-7090, HPV-X, Tracera, DSC-60Plus (Page 24)