Surface Potential Measurement at the Electrode- Electrolyte Interface of a Charged All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery


User Benefits

- Enables SPM (AFM) observation and analysis of a charged battery in an inert atmosphere without exposure to ambient air - Enables the visualization of the surface morphology and distribution of surface potential at the electrode-electrolyte interface of an all-solid-state lithium-ion battery. - Enables the visualization of the charged state of active materials in an all-solid-state lithium-ion battery.


With the growing demand for renewable energy to meetsustainable development goals (SDGs), using high-performancebattery storage to improve energy efficiency is becoming animportant issue. All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery (ASSLiB)development is primarily aimed at electric vehicle applicationsdue to ASSLiBs having excellent characteristics that include a longlifespan, excellent safety, and high energy density, with evengreater power output and performance improvements expectedin the future. One of the challenges facing the practical adoptionof ASSLiBs is resistance at the electrode-electrolyte interface. Highresistance has a detrimental effect on the movement of lithiumions at the electrode-electrolyte interface, reduces batterycapacity and power output, and prevents fast charging.Improving the electrode-electrolyte interface is key to improvedASSLiB performance. However, these interface phenomena andmechanisms of performance deterioration are not yet understoodandmethods of assessing these issues have yet to be established. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM [AFM]) offers one potentialmethod of collecting microscopic-scale measurements andevaluating the electrode-electrolyte interface. This articledescribes an example application in which a scanning probemicroscope is used to measure surface potential (Kelvin probeforce microscopy [KPFM] mode) at the electrode-electrolyteinterface of a chargedASSLiB.

April 12, 2023 GMT

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