
March 12, 2024 | News & Notices Recognized as “White 500” Company with Superior Health Management Practices for the Eighth Consecutive Year

“White 500” Company with Superior Health Management Practices

On March 11, Shimadzu Corporation was selected for the eighth consecutive year by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi as a “White 500” company with superior health management practices, which is a recognition of publicly listed companies with outstanding health management practices. This system honors large companies as well as small to medium sized businesses that practice particularly excellent health management, based on the initiatives to promote health advocated by Nippon Kenko Kaigi and regional health issues. The “White 500” is awarded to the top corporations in the large-scale corporate sector.

Shimadzu aims for the health and safety of all employees, and to foster a workplace environment in which everyone can work on a continuous basis with vigor and enthusiasm. With our management principle of Realizing Our Wishes for the Well-being of Mankind and the Earth, we support the continued good health of our employees by returning to them and their families the technologies that we produce.

Shimadzu Health Management Initiatives

Shimadzu Corporation subsidizes the cost of the MCI Screening Test Plus and breast examinations for our employees using Shimadzu products. The former uses the LCMS-8060NX analysis system to evaluate the risk of so-called mild cognitive impairment (MCI), said to be an early stage of dementia. The latter uses the Elmammo Avant Class dedicated breast PET system to perform painless breast examinations. The breast examinations are also offered to the wives of employees.
Additionally, in 2017, a health declaration was established, and enacted with the objective of promoting and maintaining the health of our employees with an emphasis on five important factors: exercise, diet, sleep, mental health, and quitting smoking. Shimadzu supports our employees and their families by promoting health and lively communication through sports events held jointly with the three SHIMADZU Breakers teams (Shimadzu’s reinforcing sports teams) in tennis, rugby, and baseball.

Convening of the Breakers Sport Festival 2023

Convening of the Breakers Sport Festival 2023

Health Declaration

  1. Ensuring Health
    We will be highly mindful of our health and engage in independently maintaining our own health. In addition, together with our colleagues we will endeavor to create a secure, safe, and comfortable workplace.
  2. Sustaining Businesses Through Health
    We will uphold the company spirit of promoting employee health, which has continued since the company was founded in 1875. In addition, by supplying leading-edge scientific technologies and services, we will help ensure the health of employees and society and promote the growth and prosperity of our businesses.
  3. Contributing to Future of Society Through Health
    We will grow together with society and strive to help create a prosperous future for mankind based on ensuring the health of our employees and their families, who are at the core of our business operations, and based on our corporate philosophy “Contributing to Society through Science and Technology”.


For information about Shimadzu health management initiatives, click the following.
