

In these laboratories, we aim to actively promote various kinds of collaborative research in order to tackle the issue of extending healthy and active lifespan, focused on the use of omics with metabolomics at its core. Until now, Prof. Fukusaki, who develops applications for metabolomics technology, and Prof. Matsuda, who focusses on data analysis, have been carrying out research together at the Osaka University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research Laboratory. In moving to the new Analytical Innovation Research Laboratories, they hope to up the pace of innovation to provide direct solutions to these types of societal problems.

Professor Fukusaki Eiichiro Specially Appointed Professor Junko Iida

Issues related to the environment, food supply, and energy are becoming commonplace in the 21st century.
Now more than ever, there is a desire to use biotechnology as the key to building an environmentally-friendly and sustainable social system.
Bioresource engineering is the study of biological resources at the core of biotechnology. It involves discovering techniques and technologies for evaluating their practicality, and developing applications for such resources.
With metabolomics as a core competency, we are working together with corporations to build the systems required for the next generation.

In today’s complex society, scientific advances and the development of innovative cutting-edge technologies are changing the way in which research organizations and universities work with companies to deliver solutions that make a real difference.
Osaka University is actively promoting “Open Innovation”. As a result, we have opened these innovative joint research laboratories between Shimadzu and Osaka University, where we aim to solve problems and search for innovative breakthroughs.
The joint research laboratories will use metabolomics as a core technology and apply metabolomics in fields such as medical research, medical treatment, and pharmaceutical sciences, as well as food and energy.

Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research Laboratories

Osaka Universit × SHIMADZU

The Analytical Innovation Research Laboratories will be a base for corporate research within Osaka University, and will act as a hub for the expansion of multi-faceted industry-academia research activities. Osaka University will be able to share and exchange information, technology, personnel and facilities with companies in a common research space, facilitating the incorporation of research results into industry, and aiming to cultivate a high level of research and staff expertise on both sides.

With mass spectrometers as a core product line, Shimadzu Corporation is committed to helping resolve the growing number of social needs and issues related to mass spectrometers. By working with Osaka University to solve new and evolving societal problems, we are committed to giving back to society.