
October 10, 2023 | News & Notices Recognized with the Highest (Three Star) “Eruboshi” Rating as a Company that Promotes the Active Participation of Women

On August 17, Shimadzu Corporation was recognized with the highest (three star) rating under the “Eruboshi” system from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as a company with preferential status based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. This recognition is determined from five evaluation items from the perspective of whether the workplace environment is conducive to participation by women: Hiring; Continuous employment; Approach to working hours; Ratio of women in management; and Diverse career paths. The level of recognition is determined by how many of the standards are satisfied. The Eruboshi system applies to companies that formulate and submit a general business owner action plan with respect to the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. On this occasion, Shimadzu satisfied all of the evaluation items, and was recognized with the highest (three star) rating.

Under our medium-term management plan formulated this year, our human resource strategies include “Leadership & Diversity: Creating Human Resources who Lead Innovation to Solve Social Issues with Diverse Partners.” Shimadzu aims to be a company in which each and every Shimadzu Group employee can demonstrate their capabilities while utilizing their distinctiveness, regardless of differences in age, gender, and nationality. In terms of active participation by women, we introduced maternity leave and childcare leave in 1948, taking measures at an early stage to create a work-friendly workplace. A project to promote the participation of women was inaugurated in 2015, and in 2022, the Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Group (currently DE & I Promotion Group) was established at the Human Resources Department. Additionally, we set target values for the ratio of women in managerial positions and as new hires, implement overseas on-site training for new and mid-level employees, provide career design training for female employees, and provide female manager empowerment training. Shimadzu will continue to promote diversity in management, the creation of new scientific breakthroughs and technology, and measures to alleviate the problems facing society.


Related Documents
the Platinum Eruboshi Certification(written in Japanese)
Our initiatives regarding the participation of women at Shimadzu.
