
November 9, 2023 | News & Notices Shimadzu Certified as “DX Certified Operator” by Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Shimadzu Corporation has been selected by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for certification as a “DX(Digital Transformation) Certified Operator.” The system assigns national certification to companies that satisfy the basic requirements of the Digital Governance Code, as specified in the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing, and that have established an environment that promotes DX measures. Requirements include creating a vision, preparing strategies, and establishing capabilities for implementing DX measures. As of October 2023, 831 companies have been certified as a “DX Certified Operator.” Shimadzu was selected for certification in recognition of satisfying certification criteria, disclosing appropriate information to stakeholders, and other factors.

The Shimadzu Group vision for DX reforms is to “continue offering new value to society by using data and digital technologies to cultivate connections and bonds with both society and customers or to help employees realize their full potential.” The key factors for achieving that vision will be to create new business models based on digital technologies and to implement company reforms that create capabilities for enabling those business models. Examples of business transformations (BX) for creating new business models include subscription and recurring-based payment methods. Implementing reforms that enable the new business models refers to implementing corporate transformation (CX) measures that transform organizational culture, mentality, and operational systems. In the future as well, Shimadzu Corporation remains committed to continue implementing new DX measures for offering unique value only available from Shimadzu while collaborating with partners around the world.


Related Information
Message from the Executive Officer in Charge of Digital Transformations
About the DX Certification System
