
August 23, 2024 | News & Notices Participation in the Planning of the Research Association of Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels
Collaborating with Analytical Technology for Heightening the Efficiency of Monitoring Manufacturing Processes

On June 7, Shimadzu Corporation participated in the planning stages for the Research Association of Biomass Innovation for Next Generation Automobile Fuels (hereinafter raBit) as a supporting member. raBit was established in July 2022 as a technological research association with the aim of research into optimizing the process of producing bioethanol. At present, it is administered by members from 7 companies: ENEOS Corporation, Suzuki Motor Corporation, Subaru Corporation, Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Tsusho Corporation, and Mazda Motor Corporation. Shimadzu cooperates with raBit with analytical technology in research related to heightening the efficiency of monitoring methods for the quality of bioethanol and their manufacturing processes.

∗TOYOTA XyloAceTM, a yeast developed by Toyota Motor Corporation

∗TOYOTA XyloAce™, a yeast developed by Toyota Motor Corporation

raBit cultivates inedible crops in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture as a raw material for bioethanol. The aim is to manufacture bioethanol fuels for automobiles efficiently through the use of biomass, recirculation of hydrogen, oxygen, and CO2 during the use and production of bioethnaol. The four main research themes are as follows.
1) Research on efficient ethanol production systems
2) Research on byproduct oxygen* and CO2 capture and utilization
3) Research on the efficient operation of the overall system, including fuel utilization
4) Research on efficient raw material crop cultivation methods

High-performance liquid chromatographs (HPLC), Shimadzu’s flagship products, are utilized for the analysis of biomass saccharified liquids, and saccharides, ethanol, and organic acids in bioethanol fermentation liquids. HPLC and other analytical instruments are scheduled to be utilized for monitoring various processes at the raBit bioethanol production research facility (Okuma Town, Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture). Furthermore, we are collaborating using analytical technology in the optimization of the fermentation process, including research into fermentation inhibitors. Shimadzu Corporation is focused on the green domain in our medium-term management plan. In future, as a supporting member of raBit, we will promote research and development aiming for the realization of a carbon neutral society.

  • * High-concentration oxygen produced as a byproduct when manufacturing hydrogen