
September 12, 2024 | News & Notices CVC Fund "Shimadzu Future Innovation Fund" has Investment in Symbiobe Inc. carbon and nitrogen fixation solutions using photosynthetic organisms

Shimadzu Corporation has invested in Symbiobe Inc. (Symbiobe), through its Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) fund, "Shimadzu Future Innovation Fund" (Shimadzu FIF). Symbiobe is a startup originating from Kyoto University that develops carbon dioxide and nitrogen fixation technology using photosynthetic organisms*.

Founded in 2021, Symbiobe aims to solve social issues such as climate change and resource shortages through biotechnology developed by Professor Keiji Numata of Kyoto University. Symbiobe cultivates “marine purple photosynthetic bacteria” that fix carbon dioxide and nitrogen emitted from factories under seawater conditions and produce organic fertilizers, aquaculture feed, and artificial silk from their byproducts. Symbiobe aims to build a circular platform that converts greenhouse gases into resources while reducing them.

Shimadzu, together with Symbiobe and Kyoto University, participates in the "Zero Carbon Bio Industry Creation for Resource Circulation Co-Creation Base" project under the FY 2021 JST Co-Creation Support Program (COI-NEXT). This program has been developing the quantification of fixed carbon dioxide and nitrogen and the collection processes in the demonstration experiments of cultivating photosynthetic bacteria. Currently, Symbiobe focuses on optimizing cultivation conditions in the demonstration plant to establish a commercial plant. Through investment and business support from Shimadzu FIF, Shimadzu will contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality.

  • * Microorganisms that inhabit the ocean and use seawater, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and light for growth. They fix carbon dioxide through photosynthesis while simultaneously thriving on nitrogen fixed from the air and minerals from seawater, aided by enzymes within their bodies.

About Symbiobe

Name Symbiobe Inc.
CEO Koji Ito
Location Kyoto-City, Kyoto, Pref.
Founded 2021

About Shimadzu FIF

Name Shimadzu Future Innovation Investment L.P.
Fund Size JPY 5 billion
Fund Term 10 years
General Partner Global Brain Corporation
Limited Partner Shimadzu Corporation