February 20, 2025 | News & Notices
Helps Achieve Safer Procedures and Higher Examination Throughput
Release of Smart FOV Software for R/F Systems
Shimadzu Corporation has released Smart FOV software for SONIALVISION G4 R/F systems. By using the Smart FOV software, the exposure field can be moved without moving the table during fluoroscopy. That can improve the safety and shorten examination/procedure times during arthrography, myelography, pain management, swallowing study and ERCP procedures.
In arthrography, a contrast agent or air is injected into the joint and X-ray fluoroscopy is performed to check the condition and shape of the joint. Symptoms in the shoulder, hip, and knee joints are observed. Myelography is a procedure in which a needle is punctured into the patient's back, a contrast agent is injected into the dural canal, and X-rays are taken to examine the shape and disorder of the spinal canal. Intraarticular injections, epidural steroid injections, and nerve root block injections are called pain management, in which an anesthetic or steroid is injected to relieve pain and numbness. All of these procedures involve puncture, so doctors prefer not to move the table for safety reasons. If the patient moves abruptly because of pain during puncture or contrast injection, previously the table has been moved so that the exposure field is centered on the screen of the fluoroscope. For clinical practice of these procedures, there is a need for being able to safely move the exposure field without moving the table and for avoiding the risk of moving patient with a needle due to unexpected table movements. To satisfy those needs, Shimadzu developed Smart FOV software with digital processing technology that can move the field of view and enlarge images, so that the field can be moved to any position within the range of the X-ray detector without moving the table. Smart FOV makes possible to move the exposure field in the center of the fluoroscopy screen and reduce exposure dose by aligning without emitting X-rays.
Shimadzu’s medium-term management plan specifies implementing a strategy referred to as “imaging transformation” (IMX) for combining AI or IoT technologies with diagnostic imaging systems in order to offer new added value. Shimadzu remains committed to supporting minimally invasive procedures by continuing to offer diagnostic imaging systems and software which improving safety and reducing exposure dose.
1. Exposure Field can be Moved with the Table in a Fixed Position
Previously, the table had to be moved to move the exposure field, but moving the table with the needle still inside the patient risked harming the patient. Because the software can move the exposure field to any position within the X-ray detector field-of-view (17 × 17-inch), it enables exposure of any location without moving the table. For customers already using a SONIALVISION G4 system, the above functionality can be used by installing the Smart FOV software.
2. Reduce Exposure Dose
The SONIALVISION G4 system, which is a key Shimadzu product line and can be equipped with Smart FOV software, is also equipped with SCORE PRO Advance, the advanced digital image processing technology, and intend to reduce exposure. With the release of Smart FOV, SONIALVISION G4 system reduce exposure dose more by aligning without emitting X-rays.
Unique imaging technology and new software make testing and treatment less invasive, especially for children who are susceptible to radiation exposure.
3. Contributing to Geriatric Healthcare
Chewing and swallowing functions are examined using fluoroscopy (videofluoroscopic swallowing study). Conventionally, if the intended exposure area is located away from the center of the exposure field, it required slight adjustments to the patient position, such as by moving the wheelchair where they are sitting. If Smart FOV software is used, the exposure field can be freely moved anywhere within the detector field-of-view range (17 × 17-inch) or the image can be magnified to move the target location to the center of the screen without moving a wheelchair. As society continues to age, we will contribute to geriatric healthcare by helping to perform the videofluoroscopic swallowing studies that are increasingly in demand.
Illustration of Using Smart FOV Software
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Smart FOV (Field of View)