The Shimadzu Group is Developing Globally
28-Year Anniversary of our Manufacturing Location in the Philippines

The Shimadzu Group has over 100 overseas locations*, each of which plays a role in development, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and service. Approximately 6,000 employees or about 40 % of the entire Group work at overseas locations.

Here, we will look at Shimadzu Philippines Manufacturing, Inc. (SPM), which is responsible for the manufacturing of balances, and for mounting parts on printed circuit boards (PCBs). This year marks its 28th anniversary.

  • *Including branches


A Manufacturing Location in the Shimadzu Group

SPM, which at present employs more than 350 people, was established in 1996 in a special economic zone controlled by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). Its objective is to manufacture balances, and to ship them to sales locations. Approximately 90 % of the balances in the Shimadzu Group are manufactured by SPM.

The PCB photo is for illustration purposes only.

  • Note: The PCB photo is for illustration purposes only.

At present, the PCBs mounted in Shimadzu instruments have been added to the items that they handle, and every year they prepare approximately 320 thousands of PCBs (by soldering electronic parts on them). Ultimately, these are delivered to Shimadzu Corporation, and locations in the Shimadzu Group in China, Malaysia, and the United States, where they are installed in integrated liquid chromatographs, medical X-ray systems, and turbomolecular pumps.

As a measure to address climate change, SPM started generating its own power using solar panels in 2019. The Shimadzu Group’s CO2 emissions reduction targets for FY 2030 were validated in 2022 by the SBT (Science Based Targets) initiative as targets conforming to a level to limit air temperature increases to less than 1.5 °C in comparison to before the Industrial Revolution, in line with the Paris Agreement.

Shimadzu Philippines Manufacturing Inc.


All the Employees Celebrating the 28th Anniversary

This year, SPM is celebrating its 28th anniversary, and a commemorative ceremony was held in July.

To date at SPM, anniversary ceremonies have been held every five years. However, the 25th anniversary ceremony in 2021 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so they held a 28th anniversary instead. On the day, the guests and all the SPM employees gathered for the anniversary.

The anniversary ceremonies

Following an address by Nobuyoshi Sayama, President of SPM, Yasunori Yamamoto, President & CEO of Shimadzu Corporation, also expressed his gratitude to the SPM employees.

SPM President, Nobuyoshi Sayama

SPM President, Nobuyoshi Sayama

Shimadzu Corporation President & CEO Yasunori Yamamoto

Shimadzu Corporation President & CEO Yasunori Yamamoto

Continuous service awards

During the ceremony, continuous service awards were bestowed on employees who had worked there for 5, 10, 20, and 25 years. A total of 10 employees were recognized in this way.

Comment from Garcia Thelma, who was Celebrating 25 Years of Continuous Service

Garcia Thelma (center) received a commemorative plaque

Garcia Thelma (center) received a commemorative plaque

SPM has been my second home for the past 25 years. Being one of its employees comes with a fair share of challenges and valuable lessons. The principles I’ve adopted here have steered me towards my aspirations. The hurdles navigated, the achievements celebrated, and the memories cherished have crafted my knowledge, refining me into a better person.

I am grateful for the trust and support that I have received from my colleagues and superiors, and I will continue to strive to repay their trust by working diligently and passionately to achieve our shared objectives.

I extend my deepest gratitude to Shimadzu, and I am truly honored to be associated with this outstanding company. Thank you.


Comment by SPM President , Nobuyoshi Sayama

SPM was established in January 1996. Our initial shipment of products, 110 units of BL series electronic balances, was made in September of that same year. I’ve heard that at the time, SPM had no forklifts on site, so products were loaded onto the trucks manually by the initial President, expatriate employees from Shimadzu Corporation, and the SPM employees all together.

Now 28 years have passed. I am honored that SPM has been recognized for six consecutive years since 2019 as one of the top 20 corporate taxpayers in General Trias, Cavite province.

No one can accomplish great things on their own, but when we move forward by pooling our resources and aligning our goals, we can attain great targets and surmount great obstacles. This year’s slogans at SPM are “One team” and “One for all, all for one.” I would like us to join forces, all employees working hand in hand to address the same goals, just as when that first shipment was made back in September 1996.

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