
November 17, 2022 | News & Notices Providing Faster Contract Analysis Services
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. Opens a Contract Laboratory for the Automotive Industry

On November 9, Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto), a Shimadzu subsidiary engaged in contract analysis, opened “Automotive Testing Laboratory” (Kariya-shi, Aichi; hereinafter referred to as ATL). This center in the Chubu region specializes in contract testing aimed at the automotive industry. ATL has a total floor space of 1,100 m2. It carries out various tests required by automobile and automotive parts manufacturers, including materials analysis, strength testing, and nondestructive testing. In the Chubu area, where there is an accumulation of automotive-related business centers, it provides faster testing with the latest analytical & measuring instruments.

The technology involved in automobiles is advancing day after day for the purpose of improving safety, comfort, and environmental performance. In terms of parts manufacture, techniques for the efficient production of highly reliable parts have become important. As a result, higher-level analyses, examinations, and tests are required for various automotive related evaluations. Shimadzu Techno-Research has long offered contract testing and measurement services related to safety certification. There are a large number of automotive-related business centers in the vicinity of Kariya, Aichi, where ATL was opened. However, there are few contract analysis agencies in this area, and until now, companies sent their samples to the Head Office in Kyoto. The opening of ATL enables faster testing, including measurements on the same day as requested.

ATL can accommodate materials analysis, strength testing, and nondestructive inspections. The latest equipment is available there, including microfocus X-ray CT systems, capable of observing carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) and composite materials, and high-speed impact testing machines, as well as precision universal testing machines and fatigue testing machines, utilized for parts performance evaluations and quality control. In addition, ATL has a wealth of peripheral accessories including thermostat baths, which can reproduce environments closer to when parts are mounted, and high-speed video cameras for use in the digital image correlation method for assessing material strain in three dimensions. As a result, the center can accommodate measurements of a wide range of processes in everything from research and development to quality assurance.

In the future, the demand for development of batteries and composite materials for electric vehicles (EV) and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) is expected to rise, so Automotive Testing Laboratory, the new center in Chubu, is scheduled to systematically extend its range of testing instruments. The goal at Techno-Research is 100 million yen in sales at ATL in 2023. Through the rapid provision of reliable data, Shimadzu Techno-Research and Shimadzu Corporation are contributing to the resolution of problems in the automotive industry and the popularization of clean energy technology.

Automotive Testing Laboratory, the Chubu Center for Shimadzu Techno-Research, Opened in Kariya-shi, Aichi

Automotive Testing Laboratory, the Chubu Center for Shimadzu Techno-Research, Opened in Kariya-shi, Aichi


inspeXio SMX-225CT FPD HR Microfocus X-ray CT System Used at ATL (Left) and Example of the Measurement of Automotive Parts (Right)

inspeXio SMX-225CT FPD HR Microfocus X-ray CT System Used at ATL (Left) and Example of the Measurement of Automotive Parts (Right)


AGX-V Precision Universal Testing Machine (Left) and a Testing Configuration (Right)

AGX-V Precision Universal Testing Machine (Left) and a Testing Configuration (Right)


Name Automotive Testing Laboratory,
the Chubu Center for Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc.
Address 2-3 2-chome, Kariya-shi, Aichi
3-story above-ground facility
(total floor area: Approximately 1,100 m2)


Reference link: Shimadzu Automotive Online Exhibition 2021 | SHIMADZU CORPORATION
