Shimadzu Review Vol.74[3・4](2017)
Sensor devices


Development of BLUE IMPACT, a Next-Generation Short-Wavelength High-Brightness Source

by Naoki Wakabayashi1Minoru Yamada1Shingo Uno1Naoya Ishigaki1Tomoyuki Hiroki1Jiro Saikawa, Ph.D.1Koji Tojo1

Shimadzu Review 74[3・4] (2017.12)


A 450 nm-wavelength, high-brightness fiber-coupled blue direct diode laser (BDDL) has been developed for laser processing (product name: BLUE IMPACT). Using the combination of spatial and polarization multiplex systems, a laser output power of more than 100 W has been achieved from a 100 μm-core optical fiber, the highest brightness in the world for BDDL. In addition, copper sheeting, which, due to its low absorbance is difficult to process with a conventional infrared laser beam, could be successfully welded by the BDDL, which has high absorbance in copper. Therefore, BDDL is expected to be the most suitable next-generation short-wavelength high-brightness source for laser processing of difficult materials.

Keywords: High-brightness laser, Blue laser diode, Direct diode laser (DDL), Laser processing, Copper

1Device Department, Shimadzu Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
