Measures for Conflict Minerals

Shimadzu Group Policy Regarding Conflict Minerals

The Shimadzu Group will not use tantalum, tin, tungsten, or gold used to fund human rights violations or armed conflicts by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), other neighboring countries, or conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs). If any parts or raw materials used in Shimadzu products are discovered to contain any of these conflict minerals, appropriate actions will be implemented, such as discussing a solution with the applicable supplier or immediately discontinuing the use of such part or raw material. That does not mean Shimadzu will not use any minerals produced in the DRC, its adjoining countries, or CAHRAs, but rather that Shimadzu will only use those that are traded in accordance with appropriate laws, such as those that are not used to fund armed groups in those regions.


Therefore, we are also asking Shimadzu Group suppliers to cooperate with implementing this Shimadzu Group Policy Regarding Conflict Minerals.

Shimadzu Group Organization for Implementing the Conflict Minerals Policy

Shimadzu Corporation has established a corporate risk management organization that deliberates and decides important issues regarding Group risk management and compliance. This organization is headed by a Risk Management and Corporate Ethics Board chaired by the president. Within this organization, the respective departments with applicable responsibilities are in charge of promoting corporate and Group activities in accordance with the Shimadzu Group Policy Regarding Conflict Minerals.

Shimadzu Group Organization for Implementing the Conflict Minerals Policy

Requests to Suppliers

  • Presentations have been conducted to explain the Shimadzu Group Policy regarding Conflict Minerals to suppliers, with each presentation attended by representatives from about 500 companies. Suppliers are asked to perform due diligence through cooperation throughout the entire supply chain and to only procure parts and materials from conflict-free smelters.
  • The Shimadzu Group has created a CSR Procurement Guideline and has asked suppliers to not only understand Shimadzu’s Conduct Guidelines, such as not engaging in transactions that lead to human rights violations or funding such violations, but also behave in a manner consistent with Shimadzu Group conduct guidelines.


Conflict Minerals Survey

CMRT is used to survey the current status of conflict mineral use and information about smelters.
This survey is conducted to confirm information, such as that materials are either procured from a smelter identified by the RMAP or, if not identified by the RMAP, from a smelter that is not complicit with armed conflicts.
If a smelter is judged inappropriate, we ask that the relevant suppliers cooperate in removing the inappropriate minerals from the supply chain for the applicable products, parts, and materials.