Shimadzu Review Vol.74[3・4](2017)
Sensor devices


Development of the PPSQ-50 Protein Sequencer Gradient System

by Tomoko Kuriki1Nobuyuki Akinaga2Ayaka Hori2Satoshi Yomota2Miki Kusumoto3Yuko Yamada3Koji Mizui3Masako Hayakawa3and Eiji Ando, Ph.D.2

Shimadzu Review 74[3・4] (2018.1)


The Shimadzu PSQ-1 protein sequencer was developed in 1988 based on the Edman degradation, as the first protein sequencer in Japan. In 2015, Shimadzu developed its fourth generation protein sequencer, the PPSQ-50 isocratic system. For this system, an isocratic mode was used in HPLC to achieve high reproducibility of the retention time, system to recycle the mobile phase for lower running cost, and easy operation. With the advancement of sample preparation techniques for proteins, protein sequencers which can provide higher detection have been awaited.
We have developed the PPSQ-50 protein sequencer gradient system to retain the features of previous isocratic systems, provide improved detection of hydrophobic PTH-amino acids eluted at late retention time, and provide higher sensitivity. This report describes the characteristics of the gradient system and its applications.

Keywords: Protein sequencer, Edman degradation, PTH-amino acid, Gradient elution, HPLC

1Global Application Development Center, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
2Clinical & Biotechnology Business Unit, Life Science Department, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
3Laboratory and Specialty Chemicals Division, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
