Shimadzu Review Vol.75[1・2](2018)
Environment and Energy


Detailed Chemical Analysis and Evaluation of Second Generation Biodiesel Fuel

by Kazuyo Kuratani1Masakazu Matsushita1Kazuo Nakamura2and Takumi Takasuga1,3

Shimadzu Review 75[1・2] (2018.7)


An issue with conventional first-generation biodiesels fuels, in which waste cooking oil is converted into fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), is their poor suitability for recent new model diesel vehicles. To solve this problem, development trials on second-generation biodiesel fuel (bio light oil) were carried out by the Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute in KYOTO as part of an industr y-academia-government collaboration for 3 years from 2012.
It was confirmed that the addition of hydrogen to the cracked oil obtained by high-temperature catalytic cracking of waste cooking oil, converted the raw material to hydrogenated oil, with properties such as oxidation stability that were significantly improved compared with FAME, and with characteristics comparable to light oil fuel. Test drives showed its suitability for use in vehicles and it can be said that "bio light oil", a high-quality fuel equivalent to light oil regarding performance and reliability, was successfully produced.
In this paper, we describe the detailed analysis and evaluation of fuels produced by these methods to promote smooth utilization of waste oil.

Keywords: Second generation biodiesel fuel, Catalytic cracking, Hydrogenation, Waste cooking oil

1Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc., Kyoto, Japan
2Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO, Kyoto, Japan
3Advanced Science, Technology & Management Research Institute of KYOTO, Kyoto, Japan (2012.4~2015.3)

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
