Shimadzu Review Vol.75[1・2](2018)
Environment and Energy


Algal Biomass Screening Technique Using TOC and Thermal Analyzer

by Yoshio Ikezawa1

Shimadzu Review 75[1・2] (2018.7)


Global warming caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels is becoming a serious problem, and the search for alternative fuels is intensifying. A lot of attention is being paid to microalgae biomass, especially because it can be used to generate oil effectively. Many kinds of analytical instrument are used in such research. Microalgae grow differently depending on the culture conditions and it is important to determine the varying ratio of organic carbon and inorganic carbon that they contain. A total organic carbon analyzer can be used for this purpose. In addition, the use of a solid sample module makes it possible to measure the wet microalgae directly, while the carbon weight in dry microalgae is measured by analyzing the water ratio obtained from thermal analyzer data.

Keywords: Total organic carbon analyzer, Solid sample module, Thermal analyzer, Microalgae biomass, Dry microalgae

1Global Application Development Center, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan

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