Shimadzu Review Vol.75[1・2](2018)
Environment and Energy


A Supervisory and Control System for Plants in the Environmental and Energy Fields

by Hiroshi Sewai1Yoshihisa Onoue1Mitsuru Kumagai1and Katsuhiro Mashino1

Shimadzu Review 75[1・2] (2018.6)


Control systems for plants in the environmental and energy fields are required to exhibit high reliability and maintainability. In addition, it is important for us to accommodate various user requests, while maintaining the constraints about operational rules at the plants. Shimadzu System Solutions provides distributed control systems (DCS) for plants that require high reliability, customizing the systems to the users’ requests and then delivering them. This article describes the features of the requests for control systems used in the environmental and energy fields, the functions of our system, the technologies used to realize higher reliability, and some use cases.

Keywords: Plant control system, Reliability of system, Process controller

1Shimadzu System Solutions Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
