Shimadzu Review Vol.75[1・2](2018)
Environment and Energy


Flowmeter Calibration Contributing to Plant Operation Efficiency

by Noriyuki Yoshimura1Noriyuki Furuichi2Kar-Hooi Cheong2Akira Iwamasa1and Yutaka Komiyama1

Shimadzu Review 75[1・2] (2018.6)


Inter-laboratory comparisons of water calibration facilities between National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) and Shimadzu Flowmeter Calibration Center were carried out for orifice flowmeters. The En values for all test results are less than 1. This shows that our orifice calibration service is able to provide calibration values that have less uncertainty than the uncertainty stated in the orifice standards. It thus indicates the possibility of contributing to plant operation efficiency. We also show that it is possible to provide uncertainty values for orifices that are not stipulated in the standard, which improves the convenience for users.

Keywords: Flow Calibration, Orifice, Flowmeter, Power Generation

1Shimadzu System Solutions Co.,Ltd., Kyoto, Japan
2National Metrology Institute of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Ibaraki, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
