Shimadzu Review Vol.75[3・4](2018)
Development of Advanced Core Technology


Development of Polychromatic Simultaneous
Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (PS-WDXRF)

by Susumu Adachi1Tetsuya Yoneda2Takuro Izumi1Takashi Omori1Satoshi Tokuda1and Kenji Sato1

Shimadzu Review 75[3・4] (2018.12)


A polychromatic simultaneous wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (PS-WDXRF) has been developed. In the PS-WDXRF, fluorescent X-rays generated by exciting a specimen are spectroscopically analyzed with a flat analyzing crystal and detected by a multi-channel one-dimensional Si strip X-ray detector. Compared with conventional wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, the advantage is that PS-WDXRF can precisely detect the fluorescent X-rays from specimens without mechanical scanning. In particular, it is useful for detecting extremely small shifts of the fluorescent X-ray peaks generated from transition metals and can acquire the peak shifts of Kα and/or Kβ lines according to the change of valence electron states with the precision of 0.01 eV or less. The value corresponds to a precision of 0.05 or less in the valence number. Thus the instrument is expected to be used for the chemical state analysis of cathode materials used in lithium ion batteries (LIB).
In this article, we describe some experimental results that clarify the relationship between the peak shifts and the valence electron states of some Mn, Co, and Ni compounds that simulate the cathode materials used in LIBs.

Keywords: Polychromatic, Wavelength dispersive, X-ray fluorescence, Spectrometer, WDXRF, Lithium ion battery, Chemical state, Valence, Transition metal

1Radiation Technology Unit, Technology Research Laboratory, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
2X-ray / Surface Business Unit, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
