Shimadzu Review Vol.76[1・2](2019)


Development of the Autograph AGX™-V Series of Precision Universal Testing Machines

by Takeshi Okamura1Mitsuhiro Mori1Hiroshi Tsuji1Toru Matsuura1and Keisuke Horie1

Shimadzu Review 76[1・2] (2019.8)


We developed the AGX-V series of precision universal testing machines according to the three concepts of Meeting advanced test requirements, Realizing safe and secure tests and Pursuing ease of operation. The measurement and control performance, which are the basic metrics for testing machines, have been greatly improved, and new functions have been added. These include up to 20 channels of sensor input, an intelligent crosshead, multi joint connectors and a USB cam-era function. In addition, tester is equipped with many industry firsts, such as ensuring the alignment of the load frame, sound-designed operation sounds, and voice synthesis to communicate the operation status.

Keywords: Testing machine, Alignment, Sensor input, Operation sounds, Strain rate control, USB camera

1Testing Machine Business Unit, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
