Shimadzu Review Vol.76[1・2](2019)


Introduction to the HITS™-X High-Speed Impact Testing System

by Motofumi Kimura1Tadaoki Takii1and Toru Matsuura1

Shimadzu Review 76[1・2] (2019.8)


In the transportation equipment market, high-strength plastics and composite materials are being used to replace metals. This is to improve fuel efficiency by reducing weight and to improve safety in collisions. The demand for strength evaluations of these materials and the components they are used in is also increasing. In addition, in new material development arena, high-speed impact test data is being used for CAE (Computer Aided Engineering). This article introduces the performance and features of the “HITS-X” series of high-speed impact testing machines.

Keywords: High-speed impact test, CAE, Test rate dependence, Plastic material, Composite material

1Testing Machines Business Unit, Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.
