Shimadzu Review 80[3・4] (2023)
Isolating and cultivating microbes to investigate them represents the most fundamental and core technologies in microbial research. The labor-intensive task of picking microbial colonies is essential for isolating and cultivating them. Specifically, picking the gut microbiota within anaerobic chambers has limitations on manual manipulation, necessitat-ing the strong need of automated picking. Therefore, we developed a microbial colony picking system, capable of continuously picking within anaerobic chambers. The microbial colony picking system is based on the CELL PICKER for picking cell colonies and allows users to continuously pick their selected microbial colonies by controlling the electric stage, changing the picking configuration, and substituting the imaging system. To further improve research efficacy, we are enhancing the picking facilities by integrating an automated colony selection system connected with imaging analysis. That will further increase throughput to accelerate gut microbiota research and contribute to achieving new microbiome drugs.
1Cell Business Unit, Diagnostics Management Department, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
2Research & Development Department, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
3Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Ibaraki, Japan
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