
User Benefits

- The mineral structure of sintered ore can be investigated by quantitative mapping of Al, Mg, Si, Ca, and Fe. - Useful in research on the composition of the calcium ferrite phase. - Useful in research on effective utilization of high phosphorus iron ores by quantitative analysis of trace P.


Reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is being promoted with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Hydrogen reduction ironmaking is a method in which iron ore is reduced by using hydrogen in place of coke (carbon). Research on technologies for reducing CO2 emissions from the steel making process is also underway, for example, by hydrogen reduction technology that utilizes hydrogen in the blast furnace (COURSE50). Recently, low grade iron ores with high contents of silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), phosphorus (P), and other impurities have been used in large amounts in response to the depletion of high grade ores. In the future, the increase in impurities is expected to become remarkable, making it even more difficult to secure the quality of sintered ore, which is the main iron source in blast furnaces. This article introduces an example of analysis of sintered ore before hydrogen reduction, in which an EPMATM (EPMA-8050G) electron probe microanalyzer was used.

September 12, 2023 GMT

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