Comprehensive GCxGC System
-Comprehensive characterization of complex matrices such as diesel fuel is possible with 2D gas chromatography. -The impressive high-speed scan technology of GCMS-QP2050 allows for effective peak separation. -Intuitive comprehension of compounds distribution can be achieved with displaying the data in a two-dimensional image.
Kerosene, diesel, and other petroleum products are mixtures containing over 100 different hydrocarbons. The properties of petroleum products, such as ignitability and viscosity, depend on their composition and greatly affect physical properties like combustion. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) offers high separation performance by utilizing two different columns, which provides more reliable compositional information for complex mixtures compared to one-dimensional chromatography. In this application, qualitative analysis of diesel fuel using a GC×GC system with GCMS-QP2050 that is capable of high-speed scanning (30,000 u/sec) was conducted. No less than 30,000 u/sec scanning speed improved the separation of peaks that are too close to each other and enabled accurate identification of compounds.
August 6, 2024 GMT
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