Analysis of Denatured Fuel Ethanol with Brevis GC-2050 Using ASTM D5501


User Benefits

- The compact design of the Brevis GC-2050 enables space saving in the laboratory. - As an alternative gas for helium, hydrogen can be used as the carrier gas. - Analysis of ethanol and methanol in fuels based on ASTM D5501 is possible.


Bioethanol has attracted attention as a form of renewable energy which can be obtained from biomass such as corn and sugar cane ASTM D5501 provides a test method for determination of the concentrations of ethanol and methanol in fuels for concentrations of ethanol from 20 to 100 wt% and concentrations of methanol from 0.01 to 0.6 wt%. In this Application News article, measurements of the purity of ethanol containing gasoline as a denaturant as specified in ASTM D 5501 were carried out with a Brevis GC-2050 gas chromatograph, using helium and hydrogen as the carrier gases.

September 2, 2024 GMT

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