Shim-pack Velox LC Columns - Features

HPLC Column

Column Chemistries

Combining highly efficient core shell particle technology with a wide range of surface chemistries provides you with the best opportunity for optimal resolution. With different chemistry characteristics, Shim-pack Velox columns are suitable for use in a wide variety of applications and challenging separations.

  SP-C18 C18 Biphenyl PFPP HILIC
USP Classification L1 L1 L11 L43 L3
Ligand type Sterically protected C18 C18 Biphenyl Pentafluorophenyl propyl None
Particle Size (μm) 1.8, 2.7, 5 1.8, 2.7, 5 1.8, 2.7, 5 1.8, 2.7, 5 2.7
Pore size (Å) 90 90 90 90 90
Surface Area 1.8 μm 125 m2/g 125 m2/g 125 m2/g 125 m2/g -
2.7 μm 130 m2/g 130 m2/g 130 m2/g 130 m2/g 130 m2/g
5 μm 100 m2/g 100 m2/g 100 m2/g 100 m2/g -
Carbon Load 1.8 μm 7 % 9 % 7 % 4 % -
2.7 μm 7 % 7 % 7 % 4 % N/A
5 μm 5 % 5 % 5 % 3 % -
End-Cap No YES YES No No
pH range 1.0-8.0 2.0-8.0 1.5-8.0 2.0-8.0 2.0-8.0
Max Pressure 1.8 μm 100 MPa* 100 MPa* 100 MPa* 100 MPa* -
2.7 μm 60 MPa 60 MPa 60 MPa 60 MPa 60 MPa
5 μm 40 MPa 40 MPa 40 MPa 40 MPa -
 * For maximum lifetime, recommended maximum pressure for 1.8 μm particles is 80MPa.​

Column Selection Guide for Different LC Platforms

Column particle sizes and column volumes affect chromatography results significantly if the column configuration does not match the LC system. As column particle size is reduced, or the column volume (ID and/or the length of the columns) decreases, the necessity for a lower dispersion system is increased.
Choosing the optimal column configuration for your LC system allows you to achieve improved chromatography. 
The following table summarizes the starting recommendations of column configuration for each LC system.





Nexera XR


Nexera X2

Particle size 2.7 μm & 5 μm 2.7 μm 1.8 μm & 2.7 μm
Column I.D. 4.6 mm (3.0 mm) 3.0 mm (2.1 mm) 2.1 mm
Column Length 100-250 mm 50-100 mm ≤150 mm

Lot to Lot Reproducibility

We understand that lot to lot consistent performance of columns is required to maximize your laboratory performance. 
From one lot to the next, every Shim-pack Velox column you purchase will perform consistently.