Nexera XS inert

Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

Nexera XS Inert

For many biopharmaceuticals and medium-molecule drugs, it can be difficult to acquire reliable data using a typical HPLC system, due to adsorption caused by interactions with metal ions. That tendency is particularly true for molecules that contain phosphates, carbonyl groups, or other characteristic elements or functional groups, the adsorption of which can affect analysis in various ways, such as by causing poor peak shape or inadequate sensitivity. Therefore, to increase the sensitivity and accuracy of analysis, it is important to inhibit the adsorption of compounds to the system.

In addition to the standard Nexera models made with stainless steel for excellent pressure resistance, broad applicability, and robustness, a new bioinert model has been added to the Nexera series product line. (Click here for the full nexera lineup
Nexera XS inert UHPLC systems achieve a 105 MPa pressure capacity while inhibiting adsorption to metals by using PEEK or ceramic materials in flow channels where samples flow. They also offer excellent resistance to corrosion and a broad range of pH levels, meaning they can be operated reliably using mobile phases that contain high haloid salt concentrations or have extreme pH levels.


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