Shimadzu increases product safety and durability through designs that improve the quality of control for heavy machinery and high-speed rotors, reduce noise and vibration, and mitigate shock.
Overview of Technology
Mobile X-Ray System with Power-Assist to Improve Driving and Imaging Operability
Device Control
- Liquid Chromatography Accurate Solvent Delivery Technology
- Medical Device Power-Assist Technology
- Testing Machine for Measuring Eccentricity of Rotating Parts
Semi-Anechoic Chamber for
Noise Evaluation
Vibration / Sound Control Design
- Hydraulic System Noise / Vibration Suppression Technology
- Low-Noise Technology
Packaging Design Based on Impact Cushioning Analysis
Data Analysis Technology for Supporting Design
- EMC Electromagnetic Field and Signal Analysis
- Structural, Thermal Fluid, and Electromagnetic Field Analysis
- Packaging Optimization Based on Impact Cushioning Analysis
Research Examples
New "Ion Focus" Ion Source for Increasing Mass Spectrometer Sensitivity and Robustness
An ion source that can efficiently transport ions in an environment with complex gas flows was developed utilizing fluid analysis and electric field analysis technology. High analytical sensitivity and instrument robustness were achieved by efficiently injecting only ions into the mass spectrometer and eliminating unwanted solvent and contaminant components.