Spectroscopy Solution

Proposing “Optimal Spectroscopy” for Customers

For those who have trouble with “Spectroscopy”

  • Want to evaluate spectral characteristics, it seems difficult to measure with a spectrophotometer. Not easy to decide which equipment is good for the characteristic measurement.
  • Want to design a spectral analyzer (spectroscope), but having trouble with optical design. It is troublesome to choose the spectral element (diffraction grating) that matches the design specification.
  • It is difficult to consult with the manufacturer without clarifying the design and problems.

Shimadzu considers the problems of “Spectroscopy” with you.



Solutions for measuring various optical characteristics (emission, transmission and reflection)



Solutions for spectrometer design (optical configuration, etc.)

Shimadzu engineers speedily provide optimal solutions

Shimadzu engineers speedily provide optimal solutions

